PEO Services

Payroll Processing

Simplify Your Payroll

EIN processes over $40 million in payroll every month. Our payments are timely and accurate, but payroll is more than just having the right amount of money in an account on time. Our applications allow employees to view past checks and easily download and print a PDF of their pay stub  EIN also offers comprehensive analytics features for employers.

Our comprehensive HR software, Vfficient, allows us to efficiently manage all payroll processes. 


Vfficient is  easy to access, manages all stages of your employee’s lifecycle, and protects your sensitive data. Vfficient’s mobile app and self-serve portal also ensure a great employee experience. They can easily enroll in benefits, track hours, change withholding status, see mandatory training, and view and print their paystubs.  It’s simple–as long as internet access is available, Vfficient puts everything needed right in the palm of your hand.  


EIN provides these payroll administration and management services:

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